Company Description

Established in 1999 by parents to run Ethio-Parents Schools(located at Gerji and Gullele areas of Addis Ababa)HoheteTibeb Share Company(HTSC) has focused on contributing its share to the development of the country through the provision of quality education to children and the youth. Ethio-Parents’ School[EPS] was established in 1995 by volunteer parents who have strong will power and commitment for their children’s education and future career. EPS, Up on its start up it was comprised of 54 Teachers,26 Administrative staffs and 300 Students.

In the past years, the school conducted one evaluative study in year 2000E.C , on the effectiveness of the program for the sake of making improvement on the working conditions of the school. To enhance and promote quality education the company has prepared a five years strategic plan.

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