Founded in the year 2002 G.C, Infolink College was from the first private institution to work on engineering and technology disciplines in Ethiopia, especially in SNNP region. Since then the College has been contributing a lot for the capacity building efforts started by the regional and national governments through producing qualified and skilled manpower and transferring of appropriate technology.
Currently, the College operates in three cities of the SNNPRS, i.e. Hawassa, Wolayitta Soddo, and Dilla. The College gives trainings in wide streams as, Business, Social Sciences, Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology. The training and education programs reach
from certificate to Masters levels.
Business Administration (MBA), M.Sc. in Information Technology and M.Sc. in Accounting & Finance. It has also First-degree accreditation from HERQA in Hawassa Campus in Computer Science, Civil Engineering, Accounting & Finance, Business Management, In Dilla Campus,
Accounting & Finance, Business Management, Sociology & Social Works, Information Technology, In Wolayita Soddo Campus Accounting & Finance, Business Management, and Information Technology.