MCM General Hospital, located in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, was found by Myungsung Presbyterian Church of South Korea to provide quality health care to Ethiopians and to train Ethiopian medical professionals. MCM has both Ethiopian and foreign medical professionals who are motivated and committed to caring for the medical needs of patients who are seen at the hospital.
Being the first state-of-the-art hospital in Addis Ababa, our hospital offers high quality, personal and professional health care services to all. There are also outreaches many of the rural areas of the country through our mobile clinics. We provide financial aid to many patients who cannot afford to pay for their treatment. In addition, throughout the year, medical professionals come from around the world(e.g., Korea, United States, Norway, Canada, and others) to provide free and highly specialized medical care not available in Ethiopia.
MCM continues to collaborate with organizations and professionals who share our vision and interest in developing training facilities for Ethiopia’s medical professionals and in providing premier modern health care training for the next generation of Ethiopian physicians and surgeons.